Wednesday, December 30, 2009


I'm now under the 20 day mark. I officially have 19 days until I check in which means I have 18 days until I leave. I assume all of this will go quickly because today and tomorrow I'm doing stuff for Passion, tomorrow night is New Year's Eve, and the 2nd-5th is when Passion 2010 is. Then I'll probably spend the next day or two helping tear down for Passion and then I'll only have ten or eleven days until it's time to leave. That's INSANE. I still don't have storage bins. I was at Walmart yesterday and everything but they're such a pain to buy that I just want to wait until my mom is there so I don't have to deal with large, plastic bins on my own. Haha. I did, however, buy towels. And socks. (For me and to donate at Passion.) I also went to Target and got bobby pins, grey tights, and a lock. So really I just need the bins now... and a new loofah. Walmart was completely out. It was weird. 

On a completely unrelated note, I noticed that I have 22 followers. That's ridiculous. I can't be that interesting. But thanks for reading/caring (or at least pretending to do so). :)


  1. Hey Katie! I just spent an hour reading your entire blog, haha. You do deserve 22 followers, you are a very good writer!

    I hope your 18 days goes by quickly. :)

  2. Aah you reminded me that I need to get tights for the CP! That darn Disney Look lol
